Monday 24 May 2010

the glory + wonder of life...

I have had the most extraordinary couple of days....

The workshop was a wonderful success with the favourites being: courgette, herb pesto, garlic + lemon mayo, raspberry ice-cream and the mint chocolate...although I think most went down well!

Such a joy to introduce people to the concept of healthier food made EASY!

Then I received a phone call at 12.30am (1 hours sleep) that my dear friend from uni had gone into labour so it was a quick dash (well 45 minutes door to door) to assist her in the birth of her second beautiful little girl.

Being a person who has always felt more comfortable with 4 legs + furry coat than the idea of motherhood (other peoples are wonderful) I can honestly say I have just been privy to the most beautiful and humbling experiences of my life. Karen had a reasonably short labour (her last was days..) So 3 intensive hours was nothing! And made it all look + sound so easy + graceful. Overwhelming reminds me + cements in for me the magnificence of creation + of many people could simply breathe + pant whilst their pelvis is separating to allow a wonderful blessed new life into the world?

Honoured beyond belief and blessed to have cut the cord...this little angel is forever imprinted in my heart + I urge anyone to experience it....

Blessings to all and just is too short and blessings many...seize them with both hands and run like a wild mustang on the plains or fly like an eagle....

Beauty indeed....Blessed beeee

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